import utils.{neg,atleast1,exact1,atmostR_sinz,atmostR_bb} object mcgregor { def eq(v: String, c: Int): String = s"$v.$c" def gcp(vertices: Seq[String], edges: Seq[(String,String)], colors: Int): Unit = { for (v <- vertices) { val xs = (1 to colors).map(c => eq(v,c)) atleast1(xs) // exact1(xs) } for ((u,v) <- edges) { for (c <- 1 to colors) println(neg(eq(u,c)) + " " + neg(eq(v,c))) } } def mcgregor(n: Int): (Seq[String],Seq[(String,String)]) = { def v(j: Int, k: Int) = s"$j.$k" val vertices = for (j <- 0 to n; k <- 0 until n) yield v(j,k) var edges: Seq[(String,String)] = Seq.empty def e(u: String, v: String) { edges :+= (u,v) } for (j <- 0 to n; k <- 0 until n) { if (j == 1 && k == 0) { for (i <- n/2 until n) e(v(j, k), v(n, i)) } else { if (j == 0 && k == 0) { e(v(j, k), v(1, 0)) for (i <- 1 to n/2) e(v(j, k), v(n, i)) } if (j < n && k < n-1) e(v(j, k), v(j+1, k+1)) if (j == 0) e(v(j, k), v(n, n-1)) if (j != k && j < n) e(v(j, k), v(j+1, k)) if (j != k+1 && k < n-1) e(v(j, k), v(j, k+1)) if (j == k && k < n-1) e(v(j, k), v(n-j, 0)) if (j == k && j > 0) e(v(j, k), v(n+1-j, 0)) if (k == n-1 && j > 0 && j < k) e(v(j, k), v(n-j, n-j-1)) if (k == n-1 && j > 0 && j < n) e(v(j, k), v(n+1-j, n-j)) } } (vertices, edges) } def graph(n: Int): Unit = { val (vertices, edges) = mcgregor(n) println(s"c McGregor graph of order $n") println(s"p edge ${vertices.size} ${edges.size}") for (v <- vertices) println(s"v $v") for ((u,v) <- edges) println(s"e $u $v") } def color(n: Int, colors: Int): Unit = { val (vertices, edges) = mcgregor(n) gcp(vertices, edges, colors) } def color_sinz(n: Int, colors: Int, r: Int): Unit = { val (vertices, edges) = mcgregor(n) gcp(vertices, edges, colors) atmostR_sinz( => eq(v,1)), r) } def color_bb(n: Int, colors: Int, r: Int): Unit = { val (vertices, edges) = mcgregor(n) gcp(vertices, edges, colors) atmostR_bb( => eq(v,1)), r) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { args(0) match { case "graph" => graph(args(1).toInt) case "color" => color(args(1).toInt, args(2).toInt) case "color_sinz" => color_sinz(args(1).toInt, args(2).toInt, args(3).toInt) case "color_bb" => color_bb(args(1).toInt, args(2).toInt, args(3).toInt) } } }